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Signaling Dials in Hospitality

All hospitality professionals/owners care about something.

I’d argue even more important than the “what” is the “how” that care gets signaled.

"Human culture is rich in the exchange of signals: we signal to each other all the time, through language, clothing, behavior, and more." - Desmond Morris, zoologist and author of "The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal."

I see a lot of judgement that circulates in the hospitality industry around the things people signal. What’s an example?

Ever seen the chef that goes on Instagram to flex that they have an innovative, new technique they’re doing for their tasting menu?

What about the chef that posts about how their restaurant does old-school French sauces “right” - sound familiar?

They’re both signaling the same value: innovation.

One dialed innovation all the way up.

The other actively dialed it down, and wants you to know about it.

I’ve got 5 more examples, (and I’m sure you can think of more):

Look at each “category” or “header” as something that hospitality professionals/owners say they care about.

Depending on how you choose to signal that “object of value” is what direction you turn the dial. Each quote in this visual shows real versions of signaling I’ve heard over the years (or even used myself).

Here’s the fascinating paradox I see when I look at this graphic: two different people can have a desire to “signal” to the world in seemingly different ways, but they’re really just signaling the other side of the coin of the same value.

Neither one is “superior” to the other.

Also, just because you decide which direction you want to turn the dial, it doesn’t always justify the means to your desired end.

I find this framework to be an empathy-increasing way to acknowledge the fact that we’re all striving (or maintaining) something.

In fact, I believe it might be an incredibly helpful exercise to list out all the possible Signaling Dials you can think of, and really articulate how far (and in which direction) you and your leadership team plan on cranking them.

Again, remove the judgement. Remember, the kid in middle school who is gonna “buck the trend” and dress in a non-trendy way is still signaling something.

In SUmmary

In the hospitality world, it's not just about what you care for, but how you signal it.

From showcasing innovative techniques on Instagram to boasting about traditional culinary methods, each act is a signal of value.

Understanding this nuanced communication can foster empathy and insight within the industry, as every signal, no matter its direction, reflects a shared pursuit of excellence.