Repertoire’s First Value: Fixing

Repertoire, a company dedicated to providing solutions to the hospitality industry, has recently introduced its first value: Fixing. In a blog post, the founder explains how this value came to be and why it is essential to the company's mission. This blog post will explore Repertoire's value of Fixing and what it means for the hospitality industry.

The Genesis of the Decision

Repertoire's founder was inspired by famed investor Josh Wolfe's writing on the push and pull between two mentalities: "Stay + Fix" vs "Escape + Flee." In recent years, we have seen massive capacity increases with technology, which has led to disheartening attitudes. For example, upset with the current financial system? Escape and flee to crypto. Disagree with the direction the environment is heading? Escape and flee to Mars. The same applies to the education system; people have started to write off education as a pursuit that is not worthwhile.

Hospitality Industry and the Fixing Mentality

The founder of Repertoire loves the hospitality industry and would be devastated if there were no more restaurants to experience. However, the founder acknowledges that the industry is not set up sustainably. From pop-ups to consulting, every attempt to escape and flee has led to a hollow place. Hence, Repertoire was launched to help the hospitality industry thrive. The company is following the "Stay + Fix" mentality with its products because it is the right thing to do. Repertoire believes in working hard to create and curate solutions to pave a path forward.

The "How" Behind Fixing

To be good at fixing something, one has to understand it. Repertoire's hiring decisions are influenced by this value, and everyone on the team has experience in the hospitality industry and can empathize with customers. This value also puts practical pressure on the company's products. Instead of claiming to be "innovative" or "revolutionary," Repertoire is focused on being relentlessly practical.

The company's products have to work and must provide value to the customers. Repertoire aims to avoid being "all talk and no action." The founder believes that a lot of great progress starts with bringing awareness to a problem, but it is essential to take structured action to solve the problem.

Non-Zero Level of Change

The value of Fixing implies a non-zero level of change. Instead of blindly following established practices, Repertoire questions whether there is a better way. The company is in the fuzzy gray area between "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and "Start from Scratch." Repertoire questions established practices like Escoffier's brigade system, the ideal starting point for culinary education, and every business structure operating at a 20-25% food cost.

Repertoire's value of Fixing is crucial to the company's mission of providing solutions to the hospitality industry. The company believes in working hard to create and curate solutions to pave a path forward. Repertoire questions established practices and aims to provide practical solutions that work and provide value to the customers.


Suzanne Vizethann | Mental Health, Value of Pop-Ups, Empathy in Hiring - Ep. 163


How to Determine Your Business's Values: A Step-by-Step Guide